The Journey After Super Bowl: What Happens After Super Bowl?


The Super Bowl, the pinnacle event of American football, concludes with one team jubilant in victory and the other grappling with defeat. But what unfolds after the confetti settles and the Lombardi Trophy finds its home? Let’s dive into the The Journey After Super Bowl

Journey After Super Bowl: Victorious Revelry

After their victory, the triumphant team delves into a flurry of celebratory activities. They assertively seize the revered Vince Lombardi Trophy, a symbol of their supremacy. Furthermore, every player is presented with an intricately designed replica ring, embellished with diamonds, representing their years of commitment and perseverance.

However, apart from the tangible rewards, there is also a financial boon. Champions of the Super Bowl garner considerable earnings from the collective bargaining agreement, with the winners securing a larger portion than the second-placed team

Journey After Super Bowl: Parades and Disney Dreams

The celebrations extend far beyond the locker room. Cities burst into euphoria, hosting grand parades where fans revel in their team’s triumph. A beloved tradition since 1987 involves select players exclaiming, “I’m going to Disney World!” in pre-recorded ads, infusing an extra touch of magic into the festivities.

Presidential Recognition

In the offseason, champions receive a prestigious invitation to the White House. There, they are honored by the President of the United States, further solidifying their place in the annals of sporting history.

Journey After Super Bowl: Offseason, A Time for Rest and Renewal

As players relish in victory, the NFL season marches on until mid-March. Once the jubilant celebrations wane, winners transition into the offseason in early March, whereas non-playoff teams initiated theirs in January.

The Offseason Gears Up

The offseason unfolds through three distinct phases:

Phase One (Mid-April to Mid-May)

  • The NFL Draft takes center stage, where teams scout and recruit promising rookies to bolster their rosters.
  • Free agency opens, allowing players to negotiate contracts with new teams, reshaping the league landscape.
  • Teams emphasize strength and conditioning, virtual meetings, and player rehabilitation to prepare for the upcoming season.

Phase Two (Mid-May to Mid-June)

  • On-field workouts and walkthrough drills commence, albeit without physical contact.
  • A rookie minicamp facilitates rookies’ adjustment to the NFL environment, aiding their transition.

Phase Three (Last Week of May to Mid-June)

  • Organized Team Activities (OTAs) provide classroom-style learning and non-contact drills, fostering team cohesion.
  • A mandatory minicamp reinforces team culture and lays the groundwork for the approaching season.

Journey After Super Bowl: Training Camps and Preseason

Late July to August witnesses rigorous training camps where players undergo physical and mental conditioning in preparation for the season ahead. Preseason games in August offer a glimpse into revamped teams before the regular season kickoff in early September.

Suggested Read: Super Bowl MVPs: A Look Back at the Most Valuable Players


What happens after you win the Super Bowl?

The players who win the Super Bowl will not only get a ring and a parade back home, they’ll receive a six-figure bonus. The NFL’s collective bargaining agreement outlines exactly how much players get paid per game during the postseason and the championship.

What do they do after the Super Bowl?

The day after the Super Bowl, the chosen player usually takes part in a parade at either Disneyland or Disney World. One notable exception was in 2021, when Tampa Bay Buccaneers stars Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski had to forgo the parade, which was canceled due to COVID-19.

What’s the benefit of winning the Super Bowl?

Members of the victorious team in Super Bowl 58 will receive $164,000 individually, while those on the defeated team will receive $89,000 each. This reflects an increase of $7,000 compared to the Super Bowl bonus from the previous year. In contrast, during the inaugural Super Bowl in 1967, players on the winning team were awarded $15,000, with the losing team receiving $7,500.

Where can I find updates on the Super Bowl?

Keep an eye on the NFL’s official channels ( and reputable entertainment news websites for announcements.

Summing it Up

As the post-Super Bowl fervor fades, the Journey After Super Bowl unfolds, marked by eager anticipation for the forthcoming season, intense competition, and the relentless pursuit of gridiron glory. With the taste of victory or the sting of defeat still fresh, teams prepare to embark on a new journey towards gridiron glory. The offseason becomes a time of reflection, preparation, and renewed determination as players gear up for the rigorous competition that awaits them. Amidst the uncertainty, one thing remains constant: the relentless pursuit of excellence on the football field.

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