Former Trainer Encourages Andy Ruiz to Enter Saudi Arabian Heavyweight Scene

Andy Ruiz Saudi heavyweight

Former trainer Manny Robles has called for heavyweight sensation Andy Ruiz Jr. to re-enter the boxing scene and make his mark in the highly lucrative arena of Saudi Arabian heavyweight boxing. Robles, who guided Ruiz to a stunning upset victory over Anthony Joshua in 2019, believes Ruiz has the potential to shake up the division once again.

Addressing Ruiz’s recent struggles, Robles highlighted the challenges the Mexican fighter has faced since his historic win over Joshua. Despite setbacks including inactivity and personal issues, Robles remains optimistic about Ruiz’s future in the sport.

“Wherever Andy may be, he should consider returning to the ring and seizing the opportunity presented by the thriving heavyweight scene in Saudi Arabia,” Robles stated in a recent interview. “It’s been some time since our paths crossed, but I believe Andy has what it takes to compete among the elite once more.”

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Reflecting on Ruiz’s journey, Robles emphasized that a single defeat should not define a fighter’s career. He encouraged Ruiz to capitalize on the chance to face top contenders and pursue significant bouts in the Middle Eastern country.

“I haven’t been in touch with Andy for years, but I urge him to embrace this opportunity,” Robles added. “The heavyweight landscape is ripe with possibilities, and Andy has the skill and determination to make his mark once again.”

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