IOC Establishes Panel for Individual Neutral Athletes at Paris 2024 Olympics

Individual Neutral Athletes Paris 2024

In preparation for the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, the Executive Board (EB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has solidified plans for the participation of Individual Neutral Athletes (AINs). These athletes, holding Russian or Belarusian passports, have earned qualification through existing International Federation (IF) channels.

Today, the IOC EB unveiled crucial implementation details following the stringent eligibility conditions set in December 2023. With projections estimating between 36 to 54 AINs from Russia and 22 to 28 from Belarus, close scrutiny is essential. Notably, this figure pales in comparison to previous delegations, with 330 Russian athletes and 104 Belarusian athletes participating in Tokyo.

Key decisions include:

  1. Establishment of Individual Neutral Athlete Eligibility Review Panel (AINERP)
  2. Delegation of Invitation Authority.
  3. Conduct Monitoring
  4. Protocol for AIN Participation.

Moreover, stringent eligibility criteria ensure adherence to anti-doping regulations and prohibit athletes and support personnel with ties to the military or national security agencies. Sanctions against implicated states remain in force, barring their representation at Paris 2024.

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This comprehensive framework underscores the IOC’s commitment to fair play and upholding the Olympic spirit amidst complex geopolitical circumstances.

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[Note: The International Olympic Committee is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing sport worldwide, redistributing the majority of its income to support athletes and sports organizations globally.]

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