Leading UK Cyclist Forced to Withdraw from Tour of Britain After High-Speed Collision with 4×4

Kate Richardson hit by 4x4

Kate Richardson, one of the UK’s top young cyclists, has been forced to withdraw from this week’s Tour of Britain following a high-speed collision with a 4×4 vehicle. The driver, who subsequently verbally abused her, hit Richardson on a narrow, single-track road, leaving her with a broken collarbone, road rash, and severe bruising on her right hip.

Richardson, the women’s individual pursuit winner at the British Track Cycling Championships in February and a former European under-23 champion, shared her harrowing experience on Instagram. She recounted how the driver attempted to overtake her on a blind bend, hitting her hard and knocking her off her bike.

“He initially drove off but later returned to verbally abuse and threaten me before driving away again,” Richardson wrote. Fortunately, another driver soon arrived at the scene and assisted her.

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The 21-year-old cyclist from Glasgow, who also won the women’s edition of the Lincoln Grand Prix last month, expressed uncertainty about her future in the season. She emphasized the psychological impact of the incident, stating, “This is more than just a physical injury; it was incredibly scary, and I count myself lucky to have walked away relatively unscathed.”

Richardson confirmed she reported the incident to South Yorkshire police, hoping for justice through witness accounts and potential CCTV footage. She concluded, “Mentally, it will take a while to overcome. Missing key races and the form I worked hard to achieve is hugely disappointing.”

The Tour of Britain is set to start on Thursday, but Richardson’s absence will be felt keenly.

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