Robert F Kennedy Jr apologizes for Super Bowl commercial that referenced JFK


Robert F Kennedy Jr apologizes

Robert F Kennedy Jr issued an apology for a presidential campaign commercial aired during Sunday’s Super Bowl that referenced his uncle John F Kennedy’s historic 1960 White House victory. On social media, Kennedy expressed regret, stating that the ad, produced by the pro-Kennedy political action committee American Values 2024. Was created “without any involvement or approval” from his presidential campaign. Despite the apology, the $7 million commercial, featuring the familiar “Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy for me” lyrics from JFK’s campaign. Remained prominently displayed on Kennedy’s social media page.
Robert F Kennedy Jr apologizes for Super Bowl commercial that referenced JFK

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Criticism of the commercial was widespread, with many observers denouncing it as intellectual theft. Bob Shrum, a speechwriter for another late Kennedy uncle, former US senator Ted Kennedy, labeled the ad as “straight-out plagiarism.” Kennedy’s cousin, Bobby Shriver, voiced disapproval, stating that their mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, would be “appalled” that the commercial used images of her and her brother. While Kennedy is known for his vaccine skepticism and conspiracy theories. Shriver emphasized that their mother had a deep-seated “respect for science, vaccines… in her DNA.”


The ad, which portrayed Kennedy as “a man who’s old enough to know and young enough to do,” aired just two days after the Democratic National Committee (DNC) filed a Federal Election Commission complaint. The DNC accused the American Values fund of colluding with Kennedy’s campaign, alleging up to $15 million worth of in-kind contributions and coordination that violates federal campaign finance laws. Kennedy’s campaign staunchly denied any wrongdoing.

Adding complexity to the situation, a DNC adviser reiterated accusations that Kennedy’s campaign was being supported by Donald Trump’s backers. American Values had received a significant contribution of $15 million from Tim Mellon, also a Trump donor. Kennedy, at 70, the son of the late US Attorney General Robert F Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 while running for president, is currently an independent candidate. And faces challenges securing a spot on state ballots, with ongoing efforts to be included in at least 10 states.

The unfolding events underscore the intricate web of politics, campaign finance. And family dynamics, casting a shadow on the presidential aspirations of the Kennedy scion.

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